Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The gender bathroom thing


This is my understanding and it's definitely flawed but not as flawed as the thinking of some of the unbelievably dense and ignorant people out there.

First, definitions are clearly necessary so here are mine:

Gay - people attracted to the same sex romantically and sexually.

Transvestite - someone who dresses up and makes up like the opposite sex.

Transexual or transgender - someone who feels they were born in a body with the wrong gender and feel that they are the opposite gender and often have had gender reassignment surgery which means they are ACTUALLY FUNCTIONING AS THE GENDER THEY FEEL THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN BORN AS.


Gay men - not interested in women or little girls.

Transvestites - may be interested in women or little girls.

Transgender/transexual women (formerly men) - not interested in women or little girls.

It seems to be a lot of women who are objecting to trans women using their bathrooms, excusing their discomfort by claiming fear for their daughters.  TRANS WOMEN AREN'T INTERESTED IN YOU OR YOUR DAUGHTERS.

Trans women can't use men's bathrooms.  They mostly don't look like men anymore, often aren't physically equipped like men.  And, most importantly, are in more likely and more seriously in danger from using men's bathrooms, from men, than any danger you imagine they present to you women.  THINK ABOUT IT!!!

I understand there are conflicting definitions.  These are mine which influence my view of this issue.

I haven't figured out the transvestite situation because it's my understanding that there are hetero men who are transvestites.  So, I think the first problem is clarifying the definitions for everybody, legally, so there's no confusion about what laws apply to whom.

At any rate, I have personally known just about every configuration of race, religion, nationality and gender and everybody needs to take a breath and stop looking for demons around every corner.  There are dangers out there but stop exaggerating; most of them are from heterosexual people.

And, people who have had gender reassignment surgery should be given a second birth certificate immediately after surgery which should be legally binding (but please keep the first as well for us genealogists).

Please - transgender people, chime in and correct me where I'm mistaken.

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