Just saw something this morning about a show about how 2 families are adjusting to the "new" economy. I probably won't be able to see it since I only have basic cable through my son with whom I currently live. I recently signed the deed to my house back to the bank.
I suspect that the majority of Americans are now living in the "new" economy. This is something I've been expecting since the late 60s when I became aware that there is no longer a frontier to explore geographically and that, while the Europeans left the circumstances of their economies at that time and came here to "America", driving the native people here out of their places, and, while there are people from Africa and South America, etc. still coming here hoping to find a better life, the fact is that there's no where left to go to get away from the predators, acquisators, hoarders of capital and, in most cases, slavers.
What we fail to remember when we talk of social and political issues is that every time a person is born, they begin from scratch to learn the ways of our world. The circumstances of each life and the inner inborn temperament lead each to a path. What each of us learns, what each of us values is individual. What I have learned, what I think I know, what I care about is unique and I have to remember that each individual I encounter is the same and the combination of their values, inclinations, understand, etc. direct them to their own lifestyle and actions. These individual paths are often in conflict.
There will always be people like me who think they have reasoned out a sensible, responsible path. I suspect everyone believes this or they become homicidal or suicidal. Just because another believes this about their life doesn't mean that they see the world, their life the same as I see mine, nor does it mean that they value the same things
But, this is something to be written about more later. Right now, I just want to write about the "new" economy.
I believe that the lot of the average American has been greatly reduced since 2008. My son and I had a brief discussion about the economic "reset". That was when the wealthy and the financial "industry" caused a worldwide economic crash and took that occasion to reset the rules to benefit themselves into the future. These are people who measure their own value by what they have accumulated in capital and stuff. The most extreme, that are barely visible, are old men in dark suits who, I imagine, have little in the way of what I would consider a life but, rather, focus all their energy on accumulating capital which they compare with the accumulations of others like themselves. I can't imagine they enjoy their lives although I also imagine they are surrounded by numbers of people who take care of their lives for them and shield them from the reality of their desolation. I have seen glimpses of these individuals who generally have severe expressions of distrust and stress on their faces. While they own the bulk of the wealth in the world, those, particularly in the United States, are puritanical in their focus on capital and seem to have a substantial degree of paranoia about missing some opportunity of acquiring more. I believe these people are ill, pathological and that their influence is unhealthy for our country, our world and life.
These are the people who think open space is wasteful. These are the people who think everything is reducible to quantity and a dollar figure. These are people who probably have no joy in their lives other than the delusion that their life has meaning.
In contrast, many of us are not concerned with so much accumulation although the success of the above acquisators depends upon their efforts to convince the rest of us to accumulate stuff that they sell. Many of us are more concerned with our relationships with our friends and families, with some amount of pleasure and entertainment. Some of us are concerned with the world and people around us and doing what we can to make our little sphere of influence better. Some of us have an inner life that we want to balance with our outer world.
Because the above pathological individuals are so powerful, own so much and have so much influence on those, unfortunately in power, who have been, because of their own circumstances and level of being, convinced by these powerfully "successful" individuals who have, in their material lives, much of what many people think is valuable, that these "successful" sociopaths must be correct in who they live their lives, must be correct in their view of life and our world.
I suspect that the lives of average Americans and much of the population of the world will become less and less materially pleasant because, in order for the capitalists to maintain and increase their positions, since there is, after all, a finite amount of material wealth possible, they must continue to reduce ours. If you've been paying attention, you will see that the circumstances of the average American has been reduced even before 2008. Have you looked at the
Fair Labor Standards Act recently? There used to be considerable verbiage about conditions of work environment, etc. There was even a requirement, at one point, of having a place for someone to lie down, for a bit, if feeling ill, which I thought was a little much myself. At any rate, for the most part much of that has been dismantled without hew and cry or even announcement. What remains are the points of discrimination. Labor standards are also largely determined at the state level. You should become familiar with your state's labor regulations. I found out about the current situation when I took a director's position and found that I couldn't expect my employer to provide a meal break.
That particular employer, who I am, thankfully, no longer employed by, taught me a lot about the overseer attitudes of some individuals. "No personal phone calls at the public desk". (agreed) "No eating at the public desk". (agreed) "Only 15 minutes break". (that's for a meal, any necessary phone calls, etc. - in an 8 hour day). "Why does anyone have to leave the building, ever, during work hours?" (Well, to make bank deposits; to deliver paperwork to the main office, etc.) These are people who would return to slavery, if allowed. These are people whose view of people who work for them,( we didn't work for them, we worked for the community), as objects, without needs, without feelings, without lives, desires, etc. These are people who believe other people will take advantage of any situation. Why? Because that's what these people do. And, isn't that, in a sense, just wired-in survival?
There is little or no acknowledgement that others contribute the prosperity of this kind of person.
My paranoia takes the form of worrying that there is no way to stop them; no way to get away from them. They've always existed; they always will. Only each individual can be enlightened. These individuals are not interested; their focus is external. They are not interested in the future in which they won't exist; they're interested in accomplishing their goals in their lifetime regardless of the consequences to others and to the future and to the world with which they don't identify; apparently, and, if they care about anyone else, in setting up those individuals with the advantages to maintain the lifestyle and values they have.

One way that people learn and even change is by experiencing either something that gives them immense pleasure or by feeling the pain of something they are doing. I wrack my brain, from time to time, to try to think of a way to make it profitable or desirable for this type of personality to want the rest of the world to be comfortable, healthy, happy; to have a decent life. I haven't found a generally acceptable way yet. They know how their world works; they've stacked the deck. As long as they're getting what they want; they'll continue to behave in the way they behave and to move in the direction they're moving.
For myself, the circumstances of my life have changed dramatically in the past couple of years. I've learned to let go; to stop identifying with what I no longer have or can have. I'm also a senior and beginning to feel the physical effects. I've moved from a 3 bedroom house into 2 rooms and most of the garage with my son. This is undoubtedly temporary and I need to think about the next step. I think the only way I can continue to have any kind of decent life is to keep a low profile (so here I am blogging) and to try to reduce my dependence on corporations and individuals who want to use me up and on stuff. While it may seem counter intuitive, I need to reduce what I want and need and redefine my material values.
That's really all I have to say right now. I've been rambling.... Until next time.
The images in the blog are to, hopefully, keep your attention and for your amusement. They've been gathered all over the Internet but mostly posted on Facebook. If any of them is your image, I'll gladly give credit or remove it.